Shawn went to Honduras on a missions trip with our church the 3rd through 11th. My mom came down while he was gone to help out with Liam. While she was here, Liam sucked on his toes for the first time. We also went to the South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston for the first time. He really loved it! He really loved visiting with grandma too!
After Shawn got home, we took Liam in for his 6 month check-up. He was 14 pounds, 5 ounces (3-10th percentile), 26 inches (50th percentile), and his head circumference was 17 1/4 inches (50th percentile). The doctor was ever so slightly concerned about his weight. He had been in the 10-25 percentile and dropped down to the 3-10 percentile. So we are going back for a weight check the beginning of October. However, Liam is almost the EXACT same size I (Angie) was when I was six months old. I was 14 pounds, 3 ounces and 26 1/4 inches. We're just going to make sure Liam is still gaining weight. It certainly isn't an eating problem, because this boy LOVES his food and milk.
Another big development was Liam learning how to sit up on his own! It's amazing how quickly he learned and how quickly he got better at it. Now he can sit up on his own for quite a while! He's even trying to pull himself up to sit on his own. He's just not quite there yet. Next thing we
know this kid will be crawling around the house and pulling himself up. He's already standing up on his own with very little help from us!