Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Liam's Homecoming

Last night we were able to get some good sleep to get ready for our first day home. The day started out rough for Liam because they did his circumcision this morning. Needless to say, once the medicine they gave him wore off he hasn't been a happy camper! The pediatrician says that he is looking good and his weight is in the norms. We will see her again on Friday. Once he was set, we got him all buckled in and headed home. It has been a rough day for all in the Mayle household.....Except for Shadow (our cat), who I'm not sure has noticed the new member of the Mayle Clan. Liam has cried since we have been home probably more than he did in the hospital. Hopefully this will tire him our for the night......but probably not! Liam was home for a while before the dogs were introduced to him. For those who don't know we have a boxer (Griffon) and a pug/beagle mix (Bailey). They have been doing GREAT so far (Please pray this only improves!). They both get quite concerned when Liam cries, and Griffon, our to-be gentle giant who does not yet know he's giant, usually wants to investigate. Every now and then Griffon needs to be reminded to "Leave It!" as he seems to like to lick babies' heads!

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