Monday, May 18, 2009

Mimi is in town!

Well Mimi (Shawn's mom) came into town last Wednesday. She came to see Liam- oh wait I mean "all of us" haha. Liam and Mimi are having a blast with each other. Mimi has been helping feed him, change him, and bathe him. They're also reading and playing together too. Its certainly been heaven for Mimi to get to spend all this time with Liam. She also brought Liam a lot of new clothes, which we all love. 
Its been so nice to have family around (and not just because of the extra help). We really enjoying Liam being able to spend time with family because we don't live around any, so its special when he gets to. Mimi leaves on Wednesday and then my parents come into town Saturday. Then next Friday, my oldest brother Curt and his wife Melissa will be in town for a wedding and will get to visit with Liam as well! We will for sure be visiting Erie in June, and we're really excited about the trip!

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