Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Three Months Old

Its hard to believe, but Liam is now three months old! He really seems to be growing and changing so much. This month we are going to have visits from Shawn's mom, my parents, and my brother and sister-in-law, and we can't wait. We're excited for them to get to see him and how much he's changed. We're also planning a trip home to PA in June and to Indy in July! We're hoping our plans work out! 

Liam is doing pretty well. He's been a bit more fussy than usual... we're suspecting he may be teething already. I guess we'll keep you posted on that. He's still becoming more and more interactive. He loves to smile and "talk" to people. He's discovering how to make new noises with that mouth of his. Its quite fun. Since Liam is now holding his head up quite well on his own, we got out his jumperoo for him to play in. He's still a little small for it, but he seems to enjoy it well enough. I think as he gets bigger he'll like it even more. I added more photos to the smugmug site... enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I found your blog! Yippie! I can't wait to keep up on all the goings-on in Liam World!
