Thursday, October 15, 2009

Moving along!

Wow! Liam is on the move!! In the past two weeks Liam has gone from not even being able to get up on his hands and knees to being able to crawl a little and walk with help! He also has learned how to pull himself up to standing and how to sit up from a laying position. It is just amazing to see the change! He still prefers the "army crawling" but he has done the "real crawl" a couple times. Liam also went to the doctor for a weight check. At two days shy of 8 months he was 16 pounds 4 ounces. This is only the 10th percentile, but he is up from the 3rd, so the doctor is pleased. We go back the beginning of November for his 9 month checkup. Below are some videos showing his newfound movement, enjoy! (go to to enjoy several more videos!)

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