Thursday, October 15, 2009

Visit with Mimi and Bubba

Shawn's parents (Mimi and Bubba to Liam) came for a visit September 25- October 4. It was an awesome visit! They had not seen Liam since June! Needless to say, he had changed quite a bit- and he continued to while they were here! The first full day of their visit Liam got up onto his hands and knees for the first time. We were hoping this would progress to a crawl during their visit, but nope- oh well. We enjoyed wonderful weather during their visit- mid 70's to 80's with clear skies! Bubba spent a lot of time at the pool and Liam joined him too! We also had an outing to Sullivan's Island (Liam's first trip to the beach). We were able to get some wonderful family photos. Then we went to Poe's Tavern, one of our favorite local spots, and Liam charmed the waitress and other patrons as usual. We had a wonderful time and can't wait til the next time!

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