Sunday, February 15, 2009


This weekend was the weekend of GRANDPARENTS......Liam is the first grandchild on both sides of the family. Won't he be I mean showered with love. Especially since I (Shawn) am an only child. Pam (Angie's mom) was here before Liam's birth, anxiously waiting his arrival and was luckily able to be here for the birth. It was great to have family in town for that moment. Chuck (Angie's dad) came down on Friday the 13th and stayed the weekend. While they were here Liam got his first bath. He did surprisingly well and actually seemed to enjoy it. We also realized that a bath with lavender baby soap=one conked out baby. After his bath Liam was dead to the world for longer than we've seen yet!

Sunday morning Angie's parents left and about 2 1/2 hours later my parents arrived. They were quite excited to finally see this grandchild that they had been hearing about for almost a week! My mom held Liam in the glider chair and read him his first story, "God Gave us You". We followed Liam's lead and just crashed the rest of the day since my parents flight left Erie quite early in the morning. My dad gets to stay about a week and my mom is able to stay about two weeks.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

After A Few Days

Sorry for the few days of silence. Days have run together and there hasn't been a whole lot of sleep. The days have been great and the nights have improved slightly. All of our first night home(Wednesday) Angie was on feeding patrol and I was on screaming patrol. Liam slept very very little so as expected....neither did we. If he was not being held, he was not happy! The second night gave us slightly more sleep. Liam wasn't as fussy and slept better as long as one of us was holding him. Friday morning we went to the pediatrician for Liam's first Dr.'s visit. The Dr. said that he was looking great. At first it looked like he was sitting a little below his discharge weight but they re-weighed him on a different scale and she told us it was good. She was also concerned that he was a little more jaundiced. You could definitely tell in his eyes. She sent us down the road to St. Francis to have a bilirubin level drawn. He did wonderful while his blood was being drawn. The level came back acceptable. We go back to the pediatrician a week from Tues. Last night(Friday) seemed like a godsend. Both Angie and I were able to get some better quality sleep. Liam actually slept for 1 1/2 hours in his crib!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Liam's Homecoming

Last night we were able to get some good sleep to get ready for our first day home. The day started out rough for Liam because they did his circumcision this morning. Needless to say, once the medicine they gave him wore off he hasn't been a happy camper! The pediatrician says that he is looking good and his weight is in the norms. We will see her again on Friday. Once he was set, we got him all buckled in and headed home. It has been a rough day for all in the Mayle household.....Except for Shadow (our cat), who I'm not sure has noticed the new member of the Mayle Clan. Liam has cried since we have been home probably more than he did in the hospital. Hopefully this will tire him our for the night......but probably not! Liam was home for a while before the dogs were introduced to him. For those who don't know we have a boxer (Griffon) and a pug/beagle mix (Bailey). They have been doing GREAT so far (Please pray this only improves!). They both get quite concerned when Liam cries, and Griffon, our to-be gentle giant who does not yet know he's giant, usually wants to investigate. Every now and then Griffon needs to be reminded to "Leave It!" as he seems to like to lick babies' heads!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Liam's First Day!

Today has been a good day. The pediatrician came in early this morning to check Liam out. She said that he looks great and was surprised at how alert he was. He has been pretty a pretty mellow little guy for the majority of the day. We have had visitors throughout the day. It was great to see friends and show off our new baby boy! Angie continues to do well. Tomorrow we are expecting to get to go home!

Liam's Arrival

On February 9th we went to our doctors for one last visit and to schedule our induction. On the way home from scheduling our induction Angie started noticing contractions. Liam obviously didn't want to wait until Wednesday (Thank the Lord!). When we got home at about 11:45 it was becoming quite clear that Angie was going into labor. After playing the Wii for a while, the contractions got closer together so we called the Doctor. By the time we got back to the office contractions were 4-5 min apart for about 1 1/2 hours. After the doctor saw us we went straight downstairs (The office is in the hospital). When we were admitted Angie was about 3cm dilated. The Dr. broke her water and started Angie on a pitocin drip. About 6pm Angie was ready for her epidural, and boy did she love that! By about 8:30 Angie was already 9cm dilated and 15 minutes later the pushing began. Angie was great! She pushed for about 40 minutes and little Liam entered the world! He weighed in at 8.0 lbs and measured 20.5 inches.