Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Liam's Arrival

On February 9th we went to our doctors for one last visit and to schedule our induction. On the way home from scheduling our induction Angie started noticing contractions. Liam obviously didn't want to wait until Wednesday (Thank the Lord!). When we got home at about 11:45 it was becoming quite clear that Angie was going into labor. After playing the Wii for a while, the contractions got closer together so we called the Doctor. By the time we got back to the office contractions were 4-5 min apart for about 1 1/2 hours. After the doctor saw us we went straight downstairs (The office is in the hospital). When we were admitted Angie was about 3cm dilated. The Dr. broke her water and started Angie on a pitocin drip. About 6pm Angie was ready for her epidural, and boy did she love that! By about 8:30 Angie was already 9cm dilated and 15 minutes later the pushing began. Angie was great! She pushed for about 40 minutes and little Liam entered the world! He weighed in at 8.0 lbs and measured 20.5 inches.

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