Saturday, February 14, 2009

After A Few Days

Sorry for the few days of silence. Days have run together and there hasn't been a whole lot of sleep. The days have been great and the nights have improved slightly. All of our first night home(Wednesday) Angie was on feeding patrol and I was on screaming patrol. Liam slept very very little so as expected....neither did we. If he was not being held, he was not happy! The second night gave us slightly more sleep. Liam wasn't as fussy and slept better as long as one of us was holding him. Friday morning we went to the pediatrician for Liam's first Dr.'s visit. The Dr. said that he was looking great. At first it looked like he was sitting a little below his discharge weight but they re-weighed him on a different scale and she told us it was good. She was also concerned that he was a little more jaundiced. You could definitely tell in his eyes. She sent us down the road to St. Francis to have a bilirubin level drawn. He did wonderful while his blood was being drawn. The level came back acceptable. We go back to the pediatrician a week from Tues. Last night(Friday) seemed like a godsend. Both Angie and I were able to get some better quality sleep. Liam actually slept for 1 1/2 hours in his crib!

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