Sunday, February 15, 2009


This weekend was the weekend of GRANDPARENTS......Liam is the first grandchild on both sides of the family. Won't he be I mean showered with love. Especially since I (Shawn) am an only child. Pam (Angie's mom) was here before Liam's birth, anxiously waiting his arrival and was luckily able to be here for the birth. It was great to have family in town for that moment. Chuck (Angie's dad) came down on Friday the 13th and stayed the weekend. While they were here Liam got his first bath. He did surprisingly well and actually seemed to enjoy it. We also realized that a bath with lavender baby soap=one conked out baby. After his bath Liam was dead to the world for longer than we've seen yet!

Sunday morning Angie's parents left and about 2 1/2 hours later my parents arrived. They were quite excited to finally see this grandchild that they had been hearing about for almost a week! My mom held Liam in the glider chair and read him his first story, "God Gave us You". We followed Liam's lead and just crashed the rest of the day since my parents flight left Erie quite early in the morning. My dad gets to stay about a week and my mom is able to stay about two weeks.

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