Monday, March 2, 2009

3 Weeks Old!

Today Liam is three weeks old! He is definitely changing. Everyday he seems to look different. Since the last post not much has happened. Liam still does the typical eat, sleep, poop, and cry. His nights are getting better. He is going to bed easier and a lot of the time he sleeps sound until it is time to be fed, usually about 3-4 hours. Last week we took Liam and the dogs out on a walk. Liam seemed to enjoy being out and about and the dogs got rid of some energy. We also took many outings to stores and whatnot. Liam usually cries hysterically when we put him in his car seat but as soon as that car starts moving he is content as can be. Before my Mom left we all went out to eat for lunch. We were nervous that we would be "that couple" who has a baby that just won't shut up! Fortunately after some initial fussiness and a diaper change Liam decided to be content in his carrier at the restaurant. Yesterday our family help officially left very early in the morning. After two weeks here my Mom went back to Erie. It turned out to be a very good day for our first day without help. We also ventured out to church with Liam from the first time. It was great to get back to church and to be able to see friends again, some of whom we haven't gotten to see in weeks! Liam did great in church. The first beat of worship scared him and he jumped a little but after that he just went back to sleep. There was only one moment he looked like he might cry but luckily didn't. After the service he decided to wake up to show of his blue eyes. Wednesday is our small group and we plan on going to that with him. Unfortunately I (Shawn) have to return to work this coming Friday.

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