Wednesday, March 25, 2009

6 Weeks Already

It is hard to believe that 6 weeks has gone by. I'm sorry for the gap with no posts, life sure has been hectic. Lots has happened in the last few weeks. I returned back to work for two very busy  weekends! The hospital was hopping and Angie was just as busy at home with Liam....But obviously all three of us survived. We also started to give Liam milk via the bottle. The first attempt at this was difficult and we had to trick him into taking the bottle. After that first time, he has taken to it like a pro. This has been a blessing to Angie as it has given her opportunity to go out, get longer periods of sleep, or just to take a break. It has also been fun for me to get to take care of him a little more.

This past weekend Liam took his first road trip. We went down to West Palm Beach to see his Uncle Curt get married. It was supposed to be an 8 hour trip there. Liam did absolutely wonderful. He slept the majority of the way and woke up at about feeding times. We bottle fed him in his car seat and then stopped to eat, gas up, burp him, and change him. All and all having Liam along only added about a half hour. The problem was that someone decided that I95 would be a great place to shoot someone! We were no where near the trouble......because they shut down the whole interstate. After we figured out a new route and took it, it had added about 2 hours onto the trip down.

Liam seemed to enjoy West Palm, his Uncle Curt (who may I add was QUITE excited to meet Liam), his new Auntie Melissa, and his new extended Columbian family(Melissa's family). They were wonderful and just loved Liam. He got so much spanish baby talk to him I think he'll automatically have Spanish as a second language! Also, Liam got to see Grandpa and Grandma Rapp again! Or should I say that the other way around! Liam definitely enjoyed his time with Grandma and Grandpa, there is a video on the smugmug page.

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