Friday, April 17, 2009

Roll Over!

Liam has been growing in to such a big boy! He is now 2 months old (almost 10wks) and at the pediatrician on Wednesday he was 10lbs 13oz and 23.75 inches long. This puts him in the 75-90th percentile in length but 25th percentile for weight. The pediatrician said he is a long lean baby! She was happy with how he is doing. While we were at the pediatrician, she placed him on his tummy to see how he is using his neck muscles. While she was doing this he rolled over onto his back for the first time! He is a early starter, normally babies begin to do this at 3 to 5 months. Liam is finally starting to pack on some weight. So his clothes are now fitting. His newborn pants had become too short, but the larger size was way too big around his waist. He looked like he was swimming! But finally some of those larger pants are fitting him.
Liam is getting more interactive by the day. He is awake more during the day, smiling, cooing, and playing. He also has found his hands and is sucking on them too. He found the left one first, so hopefully he'll be a lefty! Another big accomplishment was that he slept through the night this last Wednesday night. Hopefully he will do this more and more. This Saturday Angie starts her first normal weekend work schedule. This will be the first night he goes to stay at the babysitter's. Pray this goes well. We do have a video of Liam rolling over. I'll be putting it up after my stretch of days at the hospital is over.

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